AMI Online Learning Hub Courses and Internet Usage Policy

The Australian Marketing Institute (AMI) request when students accept a position in a program they comply with the following policies:

  • All Students Username, password and zoom links are private and for your individual use only.
  • You must use your own username and password every time you log on
  • Passwords must not be shared with other students
  • Usernames, passwords and email addresses cannot be changed by students throughout the course as it may affect your ability to login.
  • Plagiarism includes copying text word for word or submitting information downloaded from the internet. Students who submit work that is not acknowledged will receive a fail mark for that assessment task. A fail mark also applies to students who allow others access to their work.


All serious cases of misconduct are to be reported to the Manager of Training and Assessment. Serious misconduct may result in expulsion from the course. Misconduct includes and is not limited to the following whilst enrolled in a course:

  • Accessing and reading another student’s work without their permission and/or knowledge
  • Use of the internet or email, social media or chat rooms in a way that could defame, harass, abuse or offend other students, speakers’ individuals or organisations
  • Create, knowingly access, download, distribute, store or display any form of offensive, defamatory, discriminatory, malicious or pornographic material
  • Attempt any unauthorised access of the internet or email services i.e. the distribution of messages anonymously, use of other students’ user IDs and passwords Should you know of any breaches to this policy please report them to your Group Manager or Group Coordinator immediately.
  • No food or drink is to be consumed whilst on camera
  • USB flash drives may only be used to download approved content and your assessment task
  • Any malicious damage to course content will be treated as serious misconduct
  • Students may not print without permission
  • Personal computing devices should not be accessed during class time Storage All student work is to be stored in your personal drive
  • Only course related work should be saved on the platform
  • You must not share inappropriate material stored on network drives or removable drives Internet and email policy
  • Use the internet, social media and email throughout a session only if instructed by the speaker or group manager.
  • Facebook, Instagram and other social media can only be used in break time